
Request A Call Back

Have a question regarding your current insurance policy or interested in acquiring new coverage? Contact us. Let the insurance experts at Continental Property & Casualty help you find the right policy. We have in depth understanding of the industry and strong relationships with many major carriers. We are incredibly responsive to your questions and requests, and value them.

We’d love the opportunity to hear from or have the privilege to meet you in person. Give us a call today or stop by any of our locations in Miami, Florida and learn how we can work for you. You can find out locations using the map located above, or you can call us directly and one of our representatives can provide them to you.

Contact us today and see how Continental Property & Casualty is dedicated to delivering superior service. Fill out the form below with your information and inquiries and our agents will respond to you promptly. We want the chance to help you from our first contact with you past our 10 year anniversary. We are dedicated to your continuous service.

Contact Info:


12955 SW 42nd Street

Suite 11

Miami FL 33175

Tel (305) 207.7889

Fax (305) 207.0565


5200 SW 8th Street

Suite 250

Coral Gables FL 33134

Tel: 305.265.8777

Fax: 305.265.8500


Email:  info@continentalpac.com


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